Historical and Spiritual significance Kavu Mutt, a revered site in Kudlu village near Kasaragod, is renowned for its association with Sri Trivikrama Pandithacharya, a prodigious scholar born after his parents prayed to the deities of Kavugoli Sri Shiva and Maha Vishnu Temples. This sacred ground holds the Samadhi of Trivikrama Pandithacharya and his son, Narayana Pandithacharya, both influential figures in Indian philosophy. The idol of Sri Lakshmi Narayana, gifted by Sri Madhwacharya, is still worshipped here. The Kavugoli Sri Shiva Temple, over 750 years old, is situated in serene, lush surroundings and is a significant shrine in Northern Kerala and Southern Karnataka. The area is also historically and spiritually significant as Koodal, meaning 'joined,' is where the Dvaita and Advaita philosophies once met in a legendary discourse, symbolizing the confluence of these two great philosophical traditions